Monday, March 9, 2015

Movie/Murder Night

  We parked and walked into the silent courtyard. The night air had a slight nip to it, and the sweet perfume of flowers drifted on the breeze. We couldn't remember which door to go to, so we guessed. My fiancée knocked.
  A small sliding-hatch peephole in the door whisked open, and a man with a serious moustache and an even more serious gaze peered out. "Yes?"
  My fiancée laughed as I wondered if we had picked the wrong door. "No one enters without a moustache," the man said, and passed a tube of black lipstick through the hatch. "Do it however you like," he said sharply, and slammed the window shut.
  Thus began our evening with friends this past Saturday night. We drew ridiculous moustaches on each other's faces, then knocked on the door again, and were granted entry. Inside, there was a whole spread of "spooky" foods, all to match the evening's planned viewing of the Hitchcock classic "Psycho," and a couple rounds of the equally classic boardgame "Clue."

The classic version. Ours was newer, but this was the one I loved as a kid!

  Another couple showed up shortly after us, and they were treated similarly at the door. Nobody was able to take anybody seriously the whole night with our tremendous black moustaches. It didn't matter, though, because we mostly spoke in ridiculously over the top British accents during our games of Clue. This is what happens when you get a roomful of actors together.

I think somebody left this food out a little too long
Sausage eyeballs. Wings, too, as we were originally going to also feature "The Birds"

  Surprisingly, about half the group had never seen Psycho! It was a treat to get to watch it fresh with them and see their reactions. It can still elicit shock and horror to this day. I can only imagine what it must have been like with audiences in 1960. Hitchcock was a master of his craft.
  So much fun was had, that we have all decided to make a new tradition of themed "Movie-and-a-Game" dinner nights moving forward.

Due to a pending murder investigation, we are not allowed to display the other suspects

  Got a great suggestion for a themed night? Comment below!

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