Friday, December 31, 2010
Smell you later, 2010
2010 was probably the most tumultuous year I've ever seen. Talk about a crazy swing from the down to the up. This year had everything:
I saw my ex-wife lose her new husband and father of her baby to the war.
Bittersweetly saw an ex find the happiness she'd been seeking so long. Bitter for friendships lost, sweet because I'm incredibly happy for her.
Nailed THE most important audition ever.
Sold everything, completely uprooted my life and did a 180 with it.
Came within a hair's width of being arrested.
Started accumulating a shit-ton of student loan debt.
Completed a full year of daily picture blogging.
Got to prove my worst enemy entirely wrong- right to his face.
Said goodbye to friends, met a whole new group of amazing ones.
Survived "Snowmageddon" in D.C.
Saw the Queen, sang for her cousin.
Visited my hometown for the first time in three years.
Took my first stab at Shakespeare.
There is a myriad of other triumphs and tragedies that aren't easily summed up. This year has just been jam packed all the way through. Looks like the coming year will be just as full. Right now, I'm an unemployed, homeless actor. Once I come back to the states and go through my showcases, I'll see where I end up. Could be New York, could be Los Angeles. Could be Chicago. Dunno. Might find work immediately, might not. I have no earthly clue how things are going to turn out, but that's always how life is. My life has never once been boring, and for that, I'm eternally grateful. Bring it, 2011.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
After three attempts, I finally made it home to merry olde England. Unfortunately, the length of my stay in Albuquerque disrupted several other travel plans. Originally, I was going to fly down to Cape Town, South Africa at the end of my trip the U.S. and do some volunteer work at an orphanage for Christmas. I missed that trip due to my own misscheduling, though, and not due to weather. The winter storms DID disrupt my plans to travel to other European destinations, though, including Germany, the south of France, and Poland. I'll still have my birthday Paris trip in about three weeks, though, so I'm not complaining. It's just nice to be home.
On my transatlantic flight, I noticed a very special passenger and snapped this photo. I knew if he was on the plane that we'd be perfectly safe. It was an interesting Christmas spent entirely at 37,000 feet. I went to sleep on Christmas eve and woke up Christmas morning, all while soaring through the skies. I woke up just as the sun was rising, and I was treated to a spectacular light show of gold and red on the clouds. Shortly after, I spotted land- the snow covered mountains of southern Ireland. It was really breathtaking, and I wish I had something better than a shitty cellphone picture of it:
A short time later, we crossed the Irish Sea and hit the coast of England.
I breezed through customs in record time, but then waited on my luggage for almost 45 minutes. Something about that seemed backwards. Just once in my life, I want to be that guy that's the first person to get his luggage.
The next hurtle to overcome was transportation home since the Tube and all buses were shut down for the holiday. After having two or three gypsy cabs approach me, I finally found a legitimate one, but he didn't take credit cards. Finally, I was saved by a crazy Yugoslavian cabbie who drove his cab mostly on two wheels. We had a great conversation about movies and music though, and he even sang a little bit of Rolling Stones for me in his thick accent. It was almost worth the $100 I had to pay for the short ride.
Funny enough, I had no food in the house except for half a jar of peanut butter, some cheese, and a Coke. With all the stores closed, that was all I had to eat for the entire day. NOT so funny was when I discovered today that the stores were closed for a second day. I found an open pharmacy, where I was able to buy a couple of crappy gas station sandwiches and a couple of drinks. Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll fare better. Not exactly a feast fit for the return of a king.
The sunset shot above is from a set of pictures from the Albuquerque trip I put up on my Flickr page, if you'd care to take a look. Happy Holidays everybody!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas Vacation!
After a very long day of flying in from London, I finally made it to Albuquerque last Monday, and hit the ground running! As of this writing, I'm still there. I was supposed to be back home yesterday, but Heathrow is so badly snowed in that all the flights were cancelled. Now, I'll be returning to the kingdom on Christmas day. It's kind of a slow evening tonight, so I thought I'd catch up on a bit o' the bloggin.
My second night here, Mom and I tore her kitchen a new one with a super bake-fest. I started things off by mixing up a big pot of mulled wine, which she had never tasted. Naturally, it was delicious. Meanwhile, Mom's little white puppy contented herself by wrapping up in a blanket on the sofa.
And so the baking began. Sugar cookies. Chocolate chip pecan cookies. White chocolate macadamia nut cherry cookies. Gingerbread men. Cranberry bread. I went into decorator mode, making a bunch of different colors of royal icing, and frosted things up.
After the cookies were finished, I made a couple dozen red velvet cupcakes and got extra fancy with the Christmasy decoration, taking what I learned from my supercake baking experience.
The next night, the fam got together for dinner, and we had the traditional feast: turkey, mash, yams, bread, cranberry, beans, vegetables, etc. It was delicious and I had to loosen my belt.
The eating has continued in earnest since then, and I think I might just have to jog back to England to burn off all this excess weight. I've eaten a lot of Mexican food (it's been years since I've had anything even close to authentic; nice try Spokane, DC. Not you, London). I've had pizza from my old fave, Dion's, and I've enjoyed a bounty of hot green chile. I'll miss all this when I'm back in the land of ox-tail soup.
One morning, I met my Mom at the bowling alley where she's on a league so she could intro me to her friends. After I met them, I grabbed a lane and played three games. My scores? Not bad for a guy who hasn't bowled in three years.
I also went hiking/rock climbing. To make it more exciting for myself, I waited until a big winter storm moved in and obscured the mountain with snow and rain and fog. It was kinda surreal driving a Jeep exactly like mine only red. Especially since I don't even own my Jeep anymore.
Making matters more interesting was my doctor, who I saw shortly after arriving. I'd had some foot pain for the last few months and ignored it, but it really started causing issues with my dancing/movement/combat at school. I was diagnosed with torn tendons in my left foot, and he was none too happy that I had just "worked through it." I was told to tape my foot and take it easy for a few weeks. Hiking and rock climbing are easy, right?
The climb was wet and freezing (as you might expect), but fantastic. I had my camera along and snapped a few shots. Since the conditions were bad for electronics, I tried to protect my gear as best I could. Yes, you read the word "tried" in there. That should clue you as to where this story goes. I'll cut to the chase and just say that there was a short in the main board, and Canon now has my camera. I expect a rather expensive repair bill. Adding insult to injury, I dropped my SF knife while I was at the top of a fairly high cliff. Not a good day for equipment, apparently. By the time I hiked back down to the Jeep, I was soaking wet and paritally frozen. Good times!
Not willing to leave my knife cold and alone on the side of the mountain, I headed back up the next day. After a fairly short search, I found it underneath some snow at the base of the rocks. Score!
I only really had one butt-puckering moment up there when I took a bit of a reach on the rocks and got myself stuck. On one side was a solid cliff face, on the other side was a sheer drop. After a couple of deep breaths, I was able to unstick myself from my predicament and back up a bit. Where's the fun, though, without a little risk?
One night I went to Retros sports bar, where my Mom and some of her buddies like to hang. She brought a big platter of my cupcakes and announced to the bar that they were free of charge. I had a lot of drunkies complimenting me on my baking and decoration skills. Sort of a strange scenario for a young man in a sports bar.
I got a chance to drive out to Dad's house as well, where my Stepmom had cooked up a tasty pot of posole. Delish. Did a little walking around in the woods, took a few pictures, saw Dad's new project- a waverunner he's rebuilding the engine on.
It's always nice to revisit the place where you grew up. The familiarity of the trees, the dirt, and of course, those deep, deep blue New Mexico skies is always welcome.
Got to hang with my old friend Bryan one night, too. We shot a few games of pool, had a couple of drinks, then headed out to O'Neill's pub for some dinner and more drink. The food was great (here I go fooding again), but the best part was catching up for those few hours. It also helped that we were pretty evenly matched at pool. I came away with my dignity somewhat intact.
Like I said, this trip is still going on. I've seen a couple more friends since then, had some more tasty meals. Got 1 and 1/2 days left here til I try again to fly back across the pond. Maybe I can squeeze in between snowstorms. I don't know how England is doing without me!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Done and Done.
As I stated in yesterday's blog, it was the last day of term, and all of LAMDA performed at St. Phillips Church for a fairly good-sized audience that included royalty. The concert was done by candlelight and was pretty stunning.
It was the first time we had actually all performed as a school, and it was the first time each group got to hear the other groups perform their own pieces. I was blown away by how beautiful it was. Hopefully the princess enjoyed it, too.
Earlier in the day, we had rehearsed at the church and then we had a couple of hours off, so we went back to school and did this:
Rory brought his guitar and we sort of had a little jam session, and I took a stab at the above Bill Withers classic. The beginning was a bit rough, but we hit a nice groove in the middle. We need to work on our timing, and I had some pitch issues, but it was really fun sitting around, all us fellas, and just singing. Good times. More, please!
To skip time on you again, gentle reader, AFTER the carol concert was over, there was a party thrown a few blocks away at a nightclub called "Archangel." The group sort of split up at this point, and some of us went on to do other things. I checked out the club, but then decided to grab a bite with Liza. Laurine and Audra showed up a little while later, but then the group divided again. Audra and I went off to have our own adventure in Hyde Park where a fantasic winter carnival was set up.

The only bad part was that by the time we got there, they weren't selling tickets to any of the rides anymore. We're going to remedy that tonight, though, by going back. There's a whole open market in the front part of the park, selling all kinds of sinful food and completely useless wares, and then there are all the rides and an ice-skating rink. We'll be participating in all of the above. Tomorrow, I fly back to the states to spend some time with friends and family. Gonna make my last night here a big 'un!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Crazy, crazy days, but that's expected for the end of the term. Today is actually the very last day, and we're closing things out with a big Christmas Carol concert at St. Phillips Church, where we will have actual British royalty in attendance. Pretty decent way to celebrate going into Christmas.
It's also a time of gigantic relief. One by one, we've finished projects and performances, and the maelstrom of work has died off to a trickle. Everybody's exhausted and more than ready for this break.
The duet dance project I mentioned a couple of blogs back went very well, and we got a lot of good feedback on how free and expressive it was. Everybody seemed to like our variety of sensuality and craziness. We managed to pull off the routine without any hiccups, and I think we had some pretty impressive moves in there.
Biggest of all, of course, was "Margaret of Anjou," which was a full-length play that combined all of Shakespeare's "Henry" plays as well as the "Richards." We'd been rehearsing this for weeks, and pretty much hammered the hell out of it right up until performance time.
The night before we ran it for an audience, Pranay, Nick and myself blew off a little (lot) of steam playing foursquare in one of the rooms for a couple of hours. It later devolved into a contest to see who could kick the ball into somebody's face from across the room. We found out that yes, it can be done, and I found out what it feels like when somebody makes your face into a soccer goal.
The performance itself went very well, and once again, we got great feedback. It was a fantastic play, and I enjoyed working on it, but I'm also very glad to be done with it.
The night after, we had a staged reading of "The Duchess of Malfi," which is a Jacobean play. Here, we only performed some scenes, not the entire play. I thought this went really well, too, and we had a good time with it.
THEN, yesterday, we had tutorials all day. This is basically each student getting a one-on-one with each instructor. You get notes on what you did well, your progress, what you need to work on, and your goals for the next term. I'm absolutely happy with how it went. I got a lot of really nice compliments from the instructors as well as a good deal of on-the-nose constructive criticism that's really going to help me dial it up a notch. It's great when you and the instructors agree on your areas of improvement and achievement. Makes you feel like you're really on the right track.
After we all finished yesterday, we met up at Laurine's place and had a Christmas party. Most of us are going our separate ways for the holidays, so we won't see each other for a while. The party was awesome, and I'll have pics and more about it in the next blog. For now, I gotta break out the shirt and tie, warm up the voice, and get ready to belt out these carols.
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